
Revive Living Waters is financed through generous, regular giving and one-off gifts from our ministry family.

The Bible teaches us the principle of giving, and we believe that it is important that we give as we are led by the Spirit in our hearts, not out of compulsion.

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’.

2 Corinthians 9:7

God wants us to be people who love to be generous, just as He loves to be generous to us!

We are so thankful for the generosity of those who give to Revive Living Waters, providing the ministry with the resources to fulfil God’s mandate, do things well, and demonstrate God’s love in practical ways.

Giving to Revive Living Waters

There are two ways that you can give to Revive Living Waters:

Option 1 – online via your bank

If you have internet banking, you can give a one off donation or set up regular giving yourself by using our bank details: 

  • Account Name: Revive Living Waters
  • Account Number: 60173232
  • Sort Code: 60-83-71
  • Bank: Starling Bank

Please reference ‘general gift’ along with your surname when you make a payment.

If this is an option that is available to you, this would be our preferred method as the bank charges no fee to you or us and we receive the full amount that you give! 

Option 2 – online via credit/debit card

Give securely online using the form below 

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Your Name
Minimum Price: £10.00